Sunday, August 25, 2013

A site for prints

I have some of my work at Red Bubble. Here is a slideshow from Red Bubble which links to those images. You can just click on an image as it goes by to see it on Red Bubble. So, this makes three total locations where I feature my astro stuff (not counting Facebook :)  1) Primary site (  2) Red Bubble  3) This blog.

Why Red Bubble? A friend recently asked me if I had any prints of my stuff for sale. I answered no, but that I would check into it. I found Red Bubble and it was pretty easy to setup, so, there it is :)

Slideshow links to prints for sale.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy
On this night in March 2013, M51 was my primary target.  Conditions were excellent, and I managed to collect over 5.5hours of data (total, including Luminance [L] and Red,Green,Blue [RGB]).  The time spanned from about 8pm-2am local time.  Details of the image can be seen at this direct link:

The entire imaging session for M51 had the scope on the "west" side of the mount, as M51 was rising from the east.  As it moves to near zenith, I must stop imaging as the camera then becomes very close to the tripod mount legs (can see a picture of my setup on my main site at the equipment section, here: and impact would damage the camera, mount, as well as the telescope.  As an aside here, on an imaging night, I set 30 minute timers to wake me up so I can go out and check on all of the equipment periodically.  This is for the above reason as well as to check that cables are still free, as similar damage described above could a occur should a cable become snagged as the mount is tracking.

A First: 15 minute sub-frames

This night was also special in that it was my first time going to 15-minute long sub-frames.  These were done for the L channel.  The tracking was spot on.  At 1000mm focal length, this says a lot for the impressive Takahashi EM200 mount.

The image I am showing here in this blog is a reduced-size crop result.  For the full result, please check it out at my site (

As always, thanks for looking.

Monday, August 12, 2013

From the same night (M33)
Here is another shot from late last year that I reprocessed earlier this year.  This is M33 - Triangulum Galaxy.  This object I actually imaged the same night and immediately after NGC 253, mentioned in my previous post.  M33, however, was my primary target on this night and the sky conditions were excellent in each of the three main categories (lack of clouds, seeing, transparency) scoring a 5/5 in all areas.  Thus, every frame really counted for the capture of both of these objects.  Here is a link to my primary astro site which has more details on capture, plus a full resolution view:

Saturday, August 10, 2013

First post (NGC 253)
The beginning of a blog for jeffj astrophotography.  To begin, here is an image that I recently (a week ago) reprocessed.  This is NG C253 - Sculptor Galaxy.  Details for the image can be found here:  Due to weather the past several months (monsoon season), I have not collected much data, this year.  I expect I will put some other images up from earlier this year in the near future, however.  Thanks for looking.
